Press release

Global Esports Federation convenes Global Impact Partners at UNESCO “Change the Game” Sport Conference

Major organizations join multi-year pledge to drive progress to #GlobalGoals and enable social impact through esports

Paris, July 25, 2024 — The Global Esports Federation has launched the Global Social Impact Initiative (GSII) during the UNESCO “Change the Game” Sport Conference, marking a significant step towards mobilizing the #worldconnected gaming community for social good.

Global Esports Federation changes the game with Global Impact Partners at the UNESCO “Change the Game” Sport Conference in Paris ahead of Paris 2024 Olympic Games

The launch of the GSII saw the convergence of the GEF’s Global Impact Partners (GIP), who have committed substantial resources to support the implementation of GSII programs through a multi-million-dollar, multi-year pledge extending to 2030.

The initial cohort of Global Impact Partners (GIP) includes African Sports and Creative Institute (ASCI), Commonwealth Sport, FITGMR, Infinite Reality, Intel Corporation, Polynize, Refract Technologies, Vatom Corporation, World Taekwondo, World Technology Games (WTG), and Yunus Sports Hub. This diverse group of organizations is set to collaborate with the GEF to implement a series of programs and initiatives aimed at enabling social impact and contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

GEF Chief Impact Officer, Thanos Karagrounas, highlighted the importance of this initiative, stating, “The launch of the Global Social Impact Initiative is a pivotal moment for the Global Esports Federation and the entire #worldconnected community. By harnessing the power and reach of gaming and esports, we aim to create lasting, positive change across various spheres of society. Our Global Impact Partners play a crucial role in this mission, and their commitment underscores the potential of collective action in driving progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”

The GSII will focus on several key areas of impact, including Digital Transformation, Education, Environmental Sustainability, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Wellbeing, Universal Connectivity, and Youth Empowerment. Through a series of targeted initiatives and calls-to-action, the GEF and its GIP aim to leverage the extensive reach of gaming and esports to drive meaningful change in these realms.

The GEF is excited to embark on this journey towards sustainable development and social impact, rallying the global gaming community as agents of positive change in a #worldconnected.


About the Global Esports Federation

From our world headquarters in Singapore and strategic hubs around the world, the Global Esports Federation promotes the credibility, legitimacy, and prestige of esports. Powered by our universal values and Member Federations, we convene athletes, players, developers and publishers, community partners, and sporting organizations on one inclusive platform. 

In addition to a prestigious global event portfolio, together with our strategic partners, we collaborate on a series of Global Social Impact Initiatives (GSII) to create positive social impact. 

Inspired by our motto – #worldconnected – our mission calls for the development of tangible initiatives that are in service to the world’s esports community.