There are two ways to get your press releases, artwork and game information onto Games Press:

1. By email
Press releases and assets can simply be emailed to us at:
A few tips:
- Word docs or plain text files are best, or just include your text in your email body. Please DON'T send press releases as PDFs: they're hellish for us to copy and paste from.
- Please include any images as attachments rather than pasting them into your email body.
- Please indicate any embargo date/time VERY clearly - both in the email subject line and also in bold, red text at the beginning of the text.

2. Via Games Press Elite
Games Press Elite is our premium service enabling you to add your own press releases and images directly to Games Press.
- Easy-to-use tools let you quickly and easily update and edit your own press releases and assets, along with your release schedule and contact details.
- Announcements can be cued up to go live at a time of your choosing.
- Post announcements in multiple languages, and include embedded images and videos.
- Your assets are available watermark-free for use by all Games Press users.
- Instant real-time feedback on which publications and companies are looking at your material.
Please note:
- We can't promise to publish everything we receive.
- In particular, we don't tend to publish press releases from games magazines or games websites, simply because if we did we'd be swamped by hundreds of them every day.
- While we'll take every care to reproduce your material in exactly the form we receive it, we can't accept responsibility for any errors that sneak in as a result of conversion to web pages.