In 2022 Take IT Studio! in cooperation with Gaming Factory and Ultimate Games presented Electrician Simulator to PC players. Over the next year, the game received free updates, as well as versions for other platforms - including Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.
Now, we are pleased to announce a new chapter in the series - Electrician Simulator VR!
From the very beginning of work on the game, we saw its VR potential. Players have also often asked us if they will ever be able to play this title in virtual reality. Now, after months of prototyping and testing, we are ready to show fans a new installment of Electrician Simulator. - Dorian Loewe, Game Producer
In the game, we will see characters from the earlier installment, who this time, instead of writing messages, will speak to us in their own voices. We will return to the homes of our favorite customers and perform familiar missions. The tasks were designed from the ground up; however, they were based on the storyline and locations from the basic version of the game.
Electrician Simulator VR is an entertaining game with a lot of humorous missions, but also an educational aspect. The players will not learn how to become electricians, but they will learn the basics of the profession and the basics of being safe in the house environment.
Electrician Simulator VR will be released in early 2025 on Meta Quest, Steam VR, and PlayStation VR2.
If you have any questions, I remain in contact. If you would like to play Electrician Simulator VR before the release, I will send you a Steam key when the press batch is ready.
Media contact:
Dorian Loewe | Take IT Studio!
Take IT Studio! is a small video game developer and publisher based in Katowice, Poland, known for its warmly received Electrician Simulator. We not only develop and publish games, but also port games to all current platforms, provide testing services, organize focus tests, and support other companies in developing their productions.