LOS ANGELES (Sept. 17, 2021) – SQUARE ENIX® today debuted a new trailer showcasing new and updated job actions, as well as new information for the highly anticipated fourth expansion pack, FINAL FANTASY® XIV: Endwalker™, scheduled for release on November 23, 2021.
During the latest Letter from the Producer LIVE broadcast, FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida detailed various adjustments planned for each job at the release of Endwalker, new information on general battle-related adjustments, as well as an introduction to the all-new sage and reaper jobs.
You can view the trailer here: https://youtu.be/WCVcgZ8dtD0
A recording of the bilingual broadcast is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSGdMv72ghI
The Endwalker Job Actions Trailer is now Live
Further details revealed for Endwalker during the livestream include:
- Job Adjustments – Building upon changes implemented in Shadowbringers, Endwalker will bring new gameplay experiences for Disciples of War and Magic jobs. Updates include significant changes to Summoner job mechanics, the addition of single target buffs for all healer jobs, timing-based effects added to some tank defensive cooldowns, and much more.
- Duty Reward Adjustments – Trials on both Normal and Extreme difficulties, which provide weapons as a reward, will now drop a weapon coffer alongside one of the available weapon rewards, allowing players to more easily obtain weapons of their choosing.
- System-related Updates – Various quality of life updates such as enhanced HUD customization, improved ground targeting functionality, and UI updates will be added.
- Adjustments to HQ Items – To help reduce overall inventory bloat and preventing unintended procurement of HQ items, certain items such as gathered items, enemy drops, and token exchange materials will no longer be available as high-quality items. Gatherer actions, quests, and achievements related to HQ items will undergo adjustments accordingly; however, crafted items and equipment will remain available as both normal- and high-quality.
- Post-Release Patch Update – Due to the urgent need to address server congestion, the Data Center Travel system is scheduled for implementation after Patch 6.0

- FINAL FANTASY XV Collaboration Event – From now through October 18, Noctis Lucis Caelum returns to the world of Hydaelyn. Players who have reached level 50 and completed the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon” can participate to earn numerous rewards, including Noctis’ hairstyle and outfit, the four-player Regalia Type-G mount and more. Players who had previously completed this quest can use the new Seasonal Event Replay feature to experience it once again and adventure alongside Noctis.
- FINAL FANTASY XIV x DRAGON QUEST X Collaboration Event – The wonderful world of DRAGON QUEST® X returns to Eorzea from October 19 through November 11 with the “Breaking Brick Mountains” collaboration event. Players can take part in this limited-time event, battling powerful and pernicious golems to earn DRAGON QUEST-themed rewards.
- FINAL FANTASY XIV Letter from the Producer LIVE #67 – Join FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida on November 5, 2021 as he reveals more of what is to come in Endwalker, including details on new PvP content, additional crafter and gatherer updates, gameplay changes, and more. The broadcast will air on the official FINAL FANTASY XIV Twitch Channel.
With more than 22 million total registered players, there has never been a better time for newcomers to begin their adventures in the critically acclaimed FINAL FANTASY XIV Online saga. The expanded Free Trial now includes all content from A Realm Reborn and the Heavensward™ expansion (and updates through Patch 3.56), an additional playable race (Au Ra), and three additional playable jobs (Dark Knight, Astrologian, and Machinist). Free Trial players can enjoy hundreds of hours of award-winning gameplay and story experiences equivalent to two full FINAL FANTASY titles, without limit on playtime. More information is available here: http://sqex.to/FFXIVFreeTrial
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker will be available for PC, Mac, PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 on November 23, 2021 and is rated RP (Rating Pending). Please visit the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) website at www.esrb.org for more information about ratings.
For more information on FINAL FANTASY XIV: Endwalker, visit the official site here https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/endwalker/.
Related Links:
Endwalker Teaser Site: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/endwalker/
SQUARE ENIX® Press Site: https://press.na.square-enix.com/
The Lodestone®: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/
Official Facebook®: https://www.facebook.com/FinalFantasyXIV
Official Twitter®: @FF_XIV_EN
Official Instagram®: @ffxiv
About Square Enix, Inc.
Square Enix, Inc. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content throughout the Americas as part of the Square Enix group of companies. Square Enix, Inc. is affiliated with a global network of leading development studios such as Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal™. The Square Enix group of companies boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 163 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 83 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 84 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix, Inc. is a U.S.-based, wholly owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
More information on Square Enix, Inc. can be found at https://square-enix-games.com
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