ATLANTA – AUGUST 8 – Today, Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender is back in SMITE! The most popular crossover universe in the game gets a new batch of fan-favorite characters. The Avatar: The Last Airbender Update notes are available here: https://www.smitegame.com/news/avatar-the-last-airbender-10-8-update-notes
Three new God skins are available, all drawn in the characteristic anime-like artstyle that players love about the SMITE x Avatar collaboration. Fans of the series, rejoice: community-requested Toph comes in along with a new Avatar, Roku!
Check them out in this new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBjgggPiJHg
Young Toph, the prodigy earthbender, is playable in SMITE as Scylla. All of her four abilities have been transformed to showcase Toph’s geokinetic powers, hurling rocks and smashing boulders onto enemies.
Players can also become the wise and benevolent Avatar Roku, Aang’s renowned predecessor. The firebender Avatar is available along with his adopted dragon Fang as a skin for Yu Huang.
What’s more, Toph Scylla has an alternative version, Fire Nation Toph. She is offered for FREE after unlocking 3 elements from the Avatar event.
Players have the freedom to choose between 2 unlock methods for Toph and Roku: purchasing them directly or rolling the Avatar Chest for a better value. The Chest is also home to Aang, Korra, Zuko, Azula, and more Avatar heroes.
© 2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Nickelodeon Avatar: The Last Airbender and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
Fire Giant’s Arena__________
SMITE’s resident firebender, the Fire Giant, has seized the opportunity to invade the Arena. Yes—the fearsome Jungle Boss is making his first ever appearance out of Conquest and into the Arena Map as a new match objective. His arrival has transformed the entire Arena setting. The map is now blazing HOT with Underworld lava pouring into the stands. Can the crowd take it? More importantly: can you?
Defeating the Fire Giant grants a powerful teamwide buff—tailored specifically for Arena gameplay. “Attack Fire Giant!” Unless you should rather contest him? Players will need to adapt to each Arena match to make the most of this new feature, a gateway to victory.
The Fire Giant also brings in a brand new feature, Pyroclast Boulders. Hit those magmatic rocks to hurl them at enemies and knock them up! Last but not least, the epic Bonus Round is back. At the end of each Arena match, both teams get one last fight with sudden death, ringed by lava.
This is the beginning of a whole new era in Arena – one dominated by the Fire Giant’s presence.
More in the Season of Souls__________
Today’s Avatar: The Last Airbender Update is also the last chance for players to make the most of the Season of Souls and its unique gameplay features such as the Stygian Beacon! The next game update will launch the fourth Season of SMITE’s Year 10 bringing a new round of challenges for players to master.