Press release

What do Meta, Google, and the EU have in common?

The three giants are all cooperating with Bolverk Games (VR)

Bolverk Games has closed three important deals: One for a groundbreaking 100% voice-controlled game for Google’s Nest devices. Another set of signatures lands on a cinema-games concept funded by the EU, and last, but certainly not least, the VR game “Genotype” is coming to Meta’s Quest store.

 CEO Bo Bennekov in his beloved Glyph-suit
2021 was a fantastic year for us,” says CEO and co-founder Bo Bennekov, seen here in his beloved Glyph suit. He adds,
We are benefitting from a good reputation, I think. People are beginning to recognize that we don’t overpromise and always deliver interesting content in great quality.

Well, he is supposed to say that, right? But, in the CEO’s defense, the games produced by Bolverk speak for themselves.

Speaking of Google

Google launched “Voice Attorney” in late 2021, quickly becoming a popular game on the Nest Hub and Nest Hub Max platforms. The Nest Hubs are voice-controlled, and you play the game by speaking to your device. 

The partners need to have the game be captivating and genuine, so Bolverk Games use professional voice actors out of London to make that happen.

In a determined-on-the-details approach, even the gender-neutral character, Alex Perkins, is acted by a gender-neutral voice actor, Sarah Griffin. The drawings are all made in-house by Bolverk’s 2D artists, Frederik Bager and Gertrud J. Agger. Topping off the experience is a discord server, where people come to share results and look for tips to help them complete the game.


“Voice Attorney is a great example of how Google Assistant can enhance the gaming experience by adding a new level of engagement through voice,” says Emil Bayazitov. He is Head of Strategic Partnerships with Google Assistant and adds that Google appreciates the continued partnership with Bolverk Games. 


Google is happy with Voice Attorney, and importantly: The players are dazzled.

“The game is fantastic! I’ve binged through it in two days. [...] Hope it gets popular so there will be more cases or spin-offs by you guys,” is how “JCH” describes it on Discord.


Ice-cold VR sci-fi with Meta

Under the icy surface of Antarctica, Bolverk Games is looking to dazzle more players than ever before with their current VR sci-fi project. The Copenhagen-based studio is working on Genotype - a first-person immersim game with a handful of new mechanics.


“This is the lifeblood of the company. Making VR games is why we even started doing all this in the first place. Genotype is going to be a beautiful, classic type of game, so we are enjoying ourselves right now,” says Lasse Tassing, CTO and one of three co-founders of Bolverk Games.

“We have a great partnership with Meta and the Quest team,” Lasse Tassing says.


Expanding the company is necessary while working on Genotype; more employees are joining the studio, and the office space next door is annexed. According to the current timeline, Genotype may publish on the Quest store in a year’s time.


Bolverk Games leak tidbits of information about it in the game’s biweekly newsletter.


Big-screen gaming in the EU

You won’t read about it in any newsletter, but the EU recently agreed to support a joint effort between Cinemataztic and Bolverk Games to build a concept for big-screen gaming in movie theatres.


CineClash is a new big-screen gaming concept. The format expands cinemas’ product portfolios and offers game developers a new and exciting platform.


Bolverk Games will deliver the first batch of multiplayer games to the concept, but the platform will be open-source and all interested developers are invited to cooperate with Cinemataztic, the company behind CineClash.


By financially supporting the venture, Creative Europe Media (EU) hopes the Danish entrepreneurs will develop an extra revenue stream for movie theaters in Europe. 

Bolverk Games was among the first to develop quality games in VR. They pioneered the medium with the World's first tower defense game, "Kittypocalypse," followed by two iterations of the wave shooter "Dick Wilde." Then came a platformer, "Glyph,"  before the current project "Genotype," which is the fifth VR title to be released by the experienced studio.


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Voice Attorney Press Release


CineClash Press Release

Genotype Press Release