
Lunistice slightly delayed from September

Lunistice, a 3D plattformer created with simple but fun gameplay in mind, inspired by the PSX/SEGA Saturn era, developed by A Grumpy Fox, will be released later this year and was originally announced for the 2. Spetember for PC and Nintendo Switch. Sadly AAA releases were announced for the same date and we want to give them a chance to survive on the market. That's why we've decided to slightly delay Lunistice. We'll keep you updated and will announce the new date as soon as possible. But hey, at least we prepared a new fancy Releasedate Teaser.

This is not a regular press release. This is the true story of how Lunistice came to life. Origianlly, the game started out as a 2D Platformer, made in Game Maker. With speedrunning mechanics as the main focus. Development was coming along slowly but the developer was close to Deck13, so the publisher signed the game. A Grumpy Fox was not happy with the concept anymore and restarted the project, using the Godot Engine to make Lunistice a retro 3D Rail Shooter inspired by the N64 era. That's when Deck13 hired th developer as a full time employee. Godot however did not work that well with 3D at that time, so the developer switched to Unity. Last year, in 2021, in a phase of a creative downtime, A Grumpy Fox started a challlenge: Develop a smaller game in 30 days (and release it within the next 30 days). Of course, things escalated quickly and it took a bit longer in the end. The game was called Eversleep at that time, that should be noted.

Due to multiple other releases and projects, development worked out pretty well in the first 30 days but stagnated slightly afterwards. Whenever there was time, it continued. And now, one year later, Eversleep is no more. Eversleep is now Lunistice. And Lunistice itself is a 3D Platformer with speedrunning mechanics. And it won't be released in September due to us being fair to The Last of Us and others. We want to give them the option to shine without Lunistice crashing their release plans. A new date will be announced soon. Don't expect a massive game but a fun experience with a strong focus on fluent gameplay and with cute visuals. Future titles of the Franchise might also include mechanics of previous iterations of Lunistice.


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About DECK13

Deck13 Interactive is one of Germany's leading developers. Employing more than 60 and with studios located in Frankfurt,the team develops award-winning large scale productions for console and PC.

With the "Deck13 Spotlight" label the team established a publishing service to help independent developers bring their projects to wider audiences.


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About A Grumpy Fox
A Grumpy Fox is a one man show, developing games. The studio name was chose to be able to say "A game developed by A Grumpy Fox". And that's the truth.