HYPERSTRANGE, a Poland-based independent studio, announces the full release of their debut game- ELDERBORN - on Steam on Thursday, 30th of January, 2020. ELDERBORN mashes-up old-school design principles with modern-day light souls-like mechanics. It draws inspiration from classic shooters like the Doom series, Quake, or Unreal. While presenting the gameplay in first person-perspective it focuses on skill-based melee combat and world exploration not unlike the Souls series and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. The game is set for a PC release, with console versions to follow later in 2020.
An ancient tale
When it comes to the game’s story, ELDERBORN’s creators obviously point towards Robert E. Howard’s Conan saga, but admit that everything from Tarzan and Sláine comic books, He-Man cartoons, b-movies, down to heavy metal album cover art form the 80s and 90s was also a huge influence. The story follows a heroic quest of a lonesome champion of the barbarian tribes, who ventures into the forbidden ruins of an ancient, megalithic city to seek the secret of eternal youth. It takes the player from the very bottom of caverns and catacombs, up to the highest towers of the mysterious city - and beyond - as the tale unfolds.
Heavy metal, indie soul
The game is also a tribute to heavy metal in its epic, heroic power-metal variety. The original soundtrack, however, does not shy away from modern electronic beats infusion, as well as the use of such exotic instruments as the Armenian duduk and Turkish oud and zurna. These unobvious accents help to capture the uniqueness of the game’s ancient middle-east setting.
The in-development version has been available on Steam in Early Access since October 2018, and the creators mention invaluable creative input from the game’s community. The title, priced at $14.99, will offer a replayable single-player experience, that takes 7-9 hours to complete. Started as a two-person project, it has been in development by a team of up to seven people for over four years.
Fans of light souls-like gameplay, heavy metal esthetics, and FPP melee should mark the 30th of January, 2020 in their calendars, and wishlist the game on Steam, not to miss the full release!
PRESS KIT: http://j.mp/ELDERBORNpresskit
EARLY ACCESS TRAILER: youtube.com/watch?v=4cZZNQHezHE (not final)
EARLY ACCESS INTRODUCTION: youtube.com/watch?v=hl5A3QG36B0 (not final)h
Press release