Since their brand new adventure released with Xbox Game Pass and on Xbox One, Windows 10 and Steam on August 20, the development team at Dlala Studios and Rare have been keeping a close eye on responses to the game. It's been wonderful to see the positive reception from so many players and journalists, celebrating how the game stays true to form in its multi-genre, couch co-op nature, all wrapped up in that Saturday morning cartoon styling.
The team have loved seeing so many people enjoy the nostalgia trip and share the experience with others, and had an absolute blast watching creators share experiences with their communities too. And to those who've completed the game on 'Battletoads' difficulty and even picked up the full 1000 gamerscore – congrats!

Battletoads: Official Accolades Trailer
We also wanted to share some stats with you now that we've reached the point where over a million unique players have jumped in to try the game, with the cool, impulsive Rash pipping his partners to the post as the most frequently selected 'Toad.
As part of the trio's mission to save the galaxy they've collectively died 80,037,506 times, more than half of which were turbo bike crashes. Some things never change! On the flip side, team players have managed to step in and revive their fellow 'Toads 2,880,267 times, sweep up an enormous 8,677,560 collectibles along the way and tear through enemy forces so ferociously that first level boss Porkshank alone has taken a total of 1,562,508 beatings. Players aren't being slouches about it either – the fastest full game speedrun recorded so far ('Tadpole' difficulty, 100%) clocked in at an astonishing 1:38:51, set by Fuzzyness in the Game Pass for PC Battletoads Speedrun Challenge!

If you're partial to a Sea of Thieves session between Battletoads brawls, you should toadally take advantage of the Fightin' Frogs Ship Set that's still unlockable for free by players of both games – just complete Act I of Battletoads (using the same profile that holds your Sea of Thieves progress) and you'll earn this mean, green livery to display proudly on the seas!
Want even more Battletoads goodness? Be sure to check out The Lost Adventure comic series from Titan Comics to discover what led to the events of the new game – the first free issue arrived on October 21! If you'd like some audio accompaniment with that, David Housden's pounding modern Battletoads soundtrack can be enjoyed on various streaming and download services right now thanks to the recent release of the full 32-track album.

Don't forget, newcomers to the Battletoads series can also relive some of Zitz, Rash and Pimple's classic '90s adventures in the Rare Replay collection, now available with Xbox Game Pass.
Once again, we can't thank everyone enough for their kind words on the Battletoads' return and for taking the time to check it out, whether that's with Game Pass or from the Microsoft Store or Steam. We look forward to seeing even more reactions as players old and new continue to get swept up in the wild world of Battletoads!