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Clanfolk’s latest update has got ideas

Idea points bring a new strategic depth for veteran players of the highland colony builder

January 18, 2023 - Hooded Horse today announces that Highland-themed colony sim Clanfolk has received a new update - the ninth major patch since releasing into Steam Early Access in July 2022. This latest update introduces ‘Idea Points’, a new optional way of handling idea progression designed mainly for veteran players and those looking for a challenge.

You can read the full patch notes to get a more complete understanding of the new system. With idea points turned on, you still need to follow all of the usual unlocking requirements, but to acquire new ideas you now also have to spend points which are generated through most skill-based work. This mode also comes with a new Tinkering Bench, which can generate idea points as well. Idea points mode is activated during World Creation.

Clanfolk is available on PC via Steam Early Access for $19.99 / £17.99 / 19.99 EUR.
About MinMax Games™

Established in 2009 and based in Canada, MinMax Games is a two person studio specializing in passion projects, from Space Pirates and Zombies 1 & 2, to Golftopia. Clanfolk is the company’s latest title, a medieval colony-building sim themed on the Scottish highlands.

You can learn more via the studio’s website, as well as its Youtube channel and Discord.

About Hooded Horse™

Hooded Horse Inc. is a publisher of strategy, simulation, and role-playing games based in Dallas, Texas with people and partners across the world. Starting in 2019 with a single title, Hooded Horse’s portfolio has grown to 20 games and counting. Our goal is to empower and support developers in doing what they love. From the distant past of Manor Lords, to the depths of space in Terra Invicta, Hooded Horse aims to offer the best in deep, strategic experiences.

You can find out more about us on our Steam publisher page, as well as our social channels; Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Discord, and website.