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Console Wars The Card Game is now fully funded!

LONDON, August 12th, 2024 - Last week, XboxEra revealed their new Kickstarter, "Console Wars The Card Game", and the gaming community responded positively, funding the project in less than 96 hours via Kickstarter.

In case you missed it, Console Wars The Card Game is a satirical, parody-filled spin on the gaming industry and the competition that’s always existed between video game platforms, publishers and gamers themselves. If you missed our fantastic launch trailer, narrated by the wonderful Abubakar Salim, you can watch it right here.

Now that the project is funded, the team at XboxEra are turning their attention to enhancing the product for everyone with a refreshed list of community driven stretch goals, designed to improve the project for every single backer. We've also had a lot on enquiries if we're looking to make a digital version!

You can find more information on our Kickstarter page or by watching this handy update video.

Jon Clarke, Co-founder of XboxEra: 

"It's been extremely rewarding seeing Console Wars The Card Game resonate with so many gamers out there! Seeing massive outlets like IGN, KindaFunny and VGC share our humble project with worldwide audiences was fantastic and now that we're fully funded, we're excited to let gamers and card game fans go hands-on during Gamescom 2024.

It's also been hilarious watching 'console warriors' quite literally console war about Console Wars the card game. You can't make this stuff up! We genuninely wonder if they even realise they're doing it?" 

Console Wars is playable at Gamescom 2024! 

Thanks to our community, we’re not just going to Gamescom to cover games – we’re going to be a part of the fun ourselves!

Gaming Media and the public alike can head over to our very own booth in Gamescom’s new ‘Cards & Boards’ area to get the first hands on with Console Wars the Card Game while our Kickstarter campaign is live.

Interview requests and specific appointments for media to go hands-on during media days can be made by utilising the 'events' functionality on Press Engine. Any other enquiries can be made by emailing:

About XboxEra: was founded in 2019 with an ambition to provide Xbox-focused content for an underserved community. Since launch, they’ve grown consistently year-on-year, with over 700 reviews and a podcast listened to in 50+ countries worldwide.