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"Paw Paw Destiny" - your Cat/Dog goes to a Cosmic horror comedy of extreme surreal - officially releases on Steam and Nintendo Switch 12/12/2024 will release two games ❶ & ❷ simultaneously, on Steam and  Nintendo Switch 12/12/2024.

❶ “Paw Paw Destiny” (2D action adventure)
🎥trailer <>
🎮Nintendo Switch <>
🎮 Steam <>(official release)

The game is a heart-wrenching and darkly humorous story that took manga artist/astrologer Daiyu six years to create (solo dev), and is a game about the “secrets of the forbidden universe. Players can create their own original dog and cat characters (100 types x colors) and enjoy a more personalized and immersive “journey into a world unseen by humans”.

The full version of the game has been massively polished (multiple endings, secret elements and player enhancements, etc) with otherupdates that have been completed over a year <>since the start of early access.

❷ “Paw Paw Death Festival” (Casual Strategy)
🎥trailer <>
🎮Steam <>
(prequel to ❶) A simple yet profound board game where you travel around the world as a savior who once saved mankind, becoming the warden of purgatory and executing sinners in a surrealistic way (you can get excited together with your audience via live-streaming).

Download price:
❶Paw Paw Destiny: $14,99
❷Paw Paw Death Festival: $3.99

✨ The*Nintendo Switch version includes ❶ with ❷ as a free 🎁 bonus*, making it a bundled set of ❶ + ❷.
In addition,*20% off the price of ❶ is being offered as a pre-order sale* on eShop.

(The Steam version of the ❶+❷ bundle set will be disclosed upon release day 12/12/2024)

𝕏 (@PawPawDestiny <>)
Web site <>
press kit <> <>
Nintendo Switch all info:

Japan <>USA <>England <>Korea <>HongKong <>Brazil <>Canada_EN <>Canada_FR <>
France <>Germany <>Italy <>Portugal <>Spain <>Mexico <>Argentina <>Chile <>Colombia <>Peru <>