
Hack & Slash ‘UNDECEMBER’ Season 4 Update Preview

■ Increased Character Growth and Strategic Fun! Season 4 Update

The hack & slash game, ‘UNDECEMBER’, will be updating its new season on the 28th. This season marks the fourth season of ‘UNDECEMBER’, and the season is focused on expanding elements related to character growth and strengthening strategic gameplay.
First of all, ‘Jewels’, which possess stats, can be equipped on weapons and armor from this season. This will strengthen the range that gear can be used along with strategic gameplay utilizing gear.
Moreover, new content called the ‘Eunos Mine’ where ‘Jewels’ can be obtained is included in this update. This content is available through the field dungeons called ‘Acts’, ‘Chaos Dungeons’, and ‘Constellation of Time’.
‘Rune Master Levels’, a new system that enables users to experience the fun of character growth after reaching Lv. 100 on their characters, will be added along with a system that enables assigning talents to existing characters and newly created characters through ‘God’s Blessings’.
Also, ‘Solo Descent Raids’, which were updated during Season 3, will launch its first official season and even more strategic gameplay will be available due to updates regarding item levels and new Runes.

< Through this season update, ‘Jewels’ with stats can be equipped on gear.>
(IMG under development)
■ Range of Gear Utilization Greatly Increased Through ‘Jewels’
Through this season update, ‘Jewels’ with stats can be equipped on gear. Slots will be added so that up to two ‘Jewels’ can be equipped on each gear.
‘Jewel Slots’ can be seen on gear that is obtained once the season starts. Slots will also be added to ‘Unique Items’ obtained in previous seasons, which will enable equipping Jewels.
Each slot has a different color. Users can equip Jewels on slots if the color of the slot and the Jewel match.
‘Jewels’ can be obtained through the new dungeon content called ‘Eunos Mine’ that will be introduced this season. This dungeon is an event dungeon that will be available after playing ‘Acts’, ‘Chaos Dungeons’, and ‘Constellation of Time’.
‘Jewels’ can be refined and sculpted. ‘Polishing Stones’ are needed to refine and sculpt Jewels. Gear equipped with excellently sculpted ‘Jewels’ can have more powerful stats than ‘Legacy Gear’, the existing endgame gear.

<Users can obtain ‘Jewels’ at the ‘Eunos Mine’, an Event dungeon.>
(IMG under development)
■ Obtain ‘Jewels’ That Strengthen Gear Stats at the ‘Eunos Mine’
Through the Season 4 update, the ‘Eunos Mine’, an event dungeon where ‘Jewels’ that strengthen gear stats can be obtained as rewards, will be updated.
The ‘Eunos Mine’ can be accessed by finding and entering ‘Veins’ while playing the field dungeon called ‘Acts’, ‘Chaos Dungeons’, and ‘Constellation of Time’.
After discovering a vein, different rewards will be given based on how difficult it is to defeat the monsters and the boss. Also, greater and more diverse rewards can be obtained after completing the combat event.

<The new Seaseon 4 Boss monster ‘Apollyon’(left), ‘Naht’(Right)>

(IMG under development)
■ New Season 4 Bosses, ‘Apollyon’ and ‘Naht’ Added
With the new season update, two new types of boss monsters (Apollyon, Naht) that users will need to make an active effort to defeat will be added.
‘Apollyon’ is a new boss that appears in ‘Chaos Dungeons’, ‘Constellation of Time’, and ‘Acts’ that transforms into one out of five elements when HP drops below a certain level and uses various skills depending on the element it transforms to.
‘Naht’ is a new boss that is available after using the new Tier 11 Greater Chaos Card (Alive Abyss). It has a characteristic of changing its element with each phase during combat and tormenting users during combat by using different skills and gimmicks according to the element it changes to.

<‘Solo Descent Raids’ will officially launch its first season with the Season 4 update.>
(IMG under development)
■ Official Season of ‘Solo Descent Raids’ for Single Players Launched
‘Solo Descent Raids’, which was introduced during the previous season, will officially launch its first season with the Season 4 update. It will provide a new source of fun for solo players and motivate users to complete Raids.
‘Solo Descent Raids’ are a version of ‘Descent Raids’ that enable solo users to enjoy content that previously required eight users to participate. The content will not be easy to complete because all combat against powerful bosses will have to be completed alone.
However, more rewards will be given after completing a raid because of the increased difficulty and different rewards will be given depending on the played Descent Raid stage.

<New ‘Rune Master Level System will motivate users to grow their characters even more.>
(IMG under development)
■ New ‘Rune Master Level’ System Expected to Motivate Users with Maximum Levels
‘Rune Master Levels’ are a new game system that will be introduced with the Season 4 update. It was included in the update to motivate users to grow their characters even more.
‘Rune Master Points’ play a pivotal role in the ‘Rune Master Level’ system. Users who increase their ‘Rune Master Level’ after reaching Lv. 100 on their characters will be given ‘Rune Master Points’ every time they increase their ‘Rune Master Level’. ‘Rune Master Points’ can be used to continuously increase the basic stats of characters and strengthen their capabilities.
Moreover, the Season 4 mid-season update that is scheduled to take place will enable using ‘Rune Master Points’ for not just increasing basic character stats, but also expanding Rune Casts, adding quick slots, and expanding Trigger Runes, which will motivate users with high levels to continuously grow their characters during the season and provide even more diverse gameplay.

<‘Character Traits System’>
(IMG under development)
■ Plan Character Growth in Advance with the ‘Character Traits System’ Update!
With the Season 4 update, the ‘Character Traits System’ that allows selecting the direction to grow owned and new characters beforehand from the character creation stage will also be updated.
Through this system, users will be able to imbue their characters with traits that match the style they want through ‘God’s Blessings’.
‘God’s Blessings’ resemble how sports games allow users to select their players’ strong and weak points while creating a new player. Through this function, users will be able to select their characters’ hometowns, backgrounds, advantages, and flaws in advance.
The biggest merit of the ‘Character Trait System’ is that users can select the direction to build their characters in during the season beforehand. Through this, users can divide and use resources needed for character growth even more effectively.
■ ‘Sentry’ Skill’s Efficiency Increased Through Adding and Improving Skills
The ‘Sentry’ skill that users previously didn’t favor using will be strengthened so that users can enjoy gameplay by attempting an even wider variety of builds and a new mechanism called ‘Shadow Skills’ will be added so that existing skills can be utilized even better.
1. Sentry Skill / Zodiac Improved Greatly
The existing ‘Sentry’ summoning skills were less popular than the other summoning skills. This season update balanced this out by strengthening the defense-related stats of ‘Sentry’ along with the skill’s duration and abilities related to attacking.
2. New Mechanism Called ‘Shadow Skills’ Added
Additional attacks can be made through the Shadow Illusions that are summoned when skills hit or are used. Also, the skills that had a low popularity due to the number of attacks and projectiles have undergone changes in their mechanism which will increase the effect of using skills with the same style.
■ Other Functions Updated in Season 4
38 New Unique items will be added.
The maximum Item and Monster Levels will be increased to 160.
A ‘Ceiling System’ that enables users to obtain items after participating in pulls a certain number of times will be introduced.
UNDECEMBER Related Links
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1549250/UNDECEMBER
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linegames.udg
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/undecember/id6443444355
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO1YHH625KZdI66PjAEHDWQ
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Q7syAnHfha

Development /
Needs Games / LINE Games Corporation Genre Hack & Slash ARPG
Platform PC (Steam, FLOOR)
Mobile (Android / iOS)
Schedule Global – October 12, 2022
South Korea – January 13, 2022