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ENRAGED - Put an End To Santa's Sweatshop (Christmas Action Game) Releasing December 16 on Steam for PC

Enraged is a fast-paced & challenging single-player 2D melee-shooter where you embark on a mission to put an end to Santa's sweatshop
In your way are Santa's rapid elves and robots that are hell-bent on stopping you from reaching their white-bearded overlord and from discovering the dark personal reason why you came...
Just released 60 fps Gameplay trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__CVLDvugJc
Developer & Publisher: FictumLudos
Release date: December 16, 2021 for PC (Steam)


Additional note: Enraged is designed with replayability & speedrunning in mind with appropriate achievements, leaderboards and cheat-protections included

(Pre-release Steam keys are available to press via email: contact@fictumludos.com)