Leveraging its 3D nature, Beneath Oresa combines RPG deckbuilding and “spatial’ fighting – the combat is influenced by the proximity between characters, with Mobius or European cartoon-inspired visuals for a modern experience. The Broken Spear team built upon some of their favorite features from other popular card-based roguelike games, adding complexity to the gameplay and elevating the aesthetics. The game’s card upgrade system is also focused on a forked path of tough choices that each come with a detrimental cost or tactical decision. Key Features:
- Fully 3D with a spatial combat system
- Mobius-inspired art style
- Multiple Factions or card pools, each with 3 uniquely powered heroes.
- Companion System – choose a second hero and their skill set to accompany you
- Forked “Cornelian dilemma” card upgrade system
- Fully generated runs, allowing for longer game sessions (30;45 min) and greater replayability
Beneath Oresa is slated to release in Early Access on PC later this year, with other platforms to follow. The game can be wish-listed and the demo can be downloaded now on Steam. For more information or to sign up for development updates, please visit BrokenSpear.com. About Broken Spear, Inc.
Broken Spear is a Montreal-based independent game development studio comprised of veteran talent focused on evolving and building upon popular genres to create modern gameplay experiences. Founded in 2019, the studio is currently working on its inaugural title, Beneath Oresa, a 3D deck-building rogue-like game slated for release in 2022. ###
EDITOR’S NOTE: Press demos (Booth #16096) and interviews are available upon request.
Additional Resources:
Beneath Oresa Demo_Gameplay Trailer: https://youtu.be/XGQdenc92y8.
Broken Spear Website: https://broken-spear.com/
Broken Spear on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrokenSpear3
Broken Spear on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Broken-Spear-100142658971108
Asset Downloads: https://bit.ly/BeneathOresaPress
Media Contact Influencer Contact
Elizabeth Olson Bram van Lith
Ebeth.Olson@gmail.com Bram@game-drive.nl
(650) 302-4776 0031 (0)6 478 70 344