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“Bureau of Contacts” - mix of dynamic investigation and ghost hunting with modern AI technologies will be released June 20.

KYIV, UKRAINE, June 18, 2024 /MiroWin/ -- "Bureau of Contacts" PC co-op horror game for 1-4 players planned for release June 20 on Steam with the price 7,99$ and 25% discount.

Players, as agents of the paranormal bureau, must detect, identify and banish the paranormal while facing 2 enemies simultaneously - the location itself with its traps and the ghost with the most human-like intelligence.

In general, the game is a mix of dynamic investigation and ghost hunting genre with innovative enemy behavior technology - generative AI technology at first time manages the enemy's behavior depending on the words/actions of the players.

For the players that means, that the enemy (ghost):

  • talk with you (and you talk with him);
  • see and hear you;
  • has different types of temperament;
  • understand the context of what you said and simulate moods and attitudes towards what they hear/occur;
  • make decisions on their own will and reasoning, parodying human behavior and "cause and effect relationships".

Steam-page - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2840210/Bureau_of_Contacts/
Game teaser - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuK36lJqhpg

About developer:

The game is developed on Unreal Engine 5 by MiroWin studio ("Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof VR", "Boiling Steel", etc.).

It’s not for the first time when MiroWin becomes a pioneer in various technological advances in the gamedev industry in Eastern Europe. Earlier the studio was one of the first in Ukraine to start mastering virtual reality in gaming and non-gaming spheres, after which MiroWin became the first in the entire post-Soviet space to release game for the VR devices like Oculus Quest, which later became popular.

Team started the first steps in traditional AI training back in 2018 on the basis of "Boiling Steel" sci-fi VR shooter, and now decided to take it a step further - to the generative AI.