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The Great Ocean Raises 16,150 EUR on Kickstarter

A High-Tech ROV Submarine Adventure

Leipzig, Germany –June 2, 2023– Thanks to the support of backers worldwide, indie game developer and publisher Actrio Studio exceeded its initial goal of 15,000 EUR and raised 16,150 EUR to fully fund the finishing of the production of the PCVR version for the game The Great Ocean on Kickstarter.

The stretch goals were not reached during the campaign time, however, Actrio Studio continues to accept finance to reach the stretch goals. Also, Actrio Studio invites you to join their tester group and wishlist the game on Steam.


The Great Ocean is the first immersive game on ocean exploration based on real locationsreal threats, and real solutions, empowering the players to make a tangible impact on the underwater world through exploration and quests. 

Using a high-tech ROV, players can navigate captivating underwater environments, encounter marine life, and undertake missions to help the ocean ecosystem by freeing fish, removing trash, and addressing crimes against ocean health.


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About Actrio Studio

Actrio Studio is an award-winning games and films producer in Germany, based in Leipzig and Babelsberg, next to Berlin, that focuses on storytelling and innovation in games and films. With over 15 years of experience in the media industry, we have engaged audiences worldwide across multiple platforms. Our fiction films, documentaries, short films, AR and VR Experiences, 360° films, and games have been shown worldwide from A-Festivals to HBO and Netflix. As an R&D and innovation service provider, we help clients create outstanding and innovative content.