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Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 Closes with $2.5 Million Raised for Prevent Cancer Foundation

This year's annual charity event featured everything from a speedrunning dog to an Elden Ring vs Sekiro race and much more

PITTSBURGH – January 22, 2024 – Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) 2024 ended this weekend with over $2.5 million raised for Prevent Cancer Foundation. The event, which took place in Pittsburgh this year, ran nonstop all week from January 14-21, and featured a bevy of amazing speedrunning feats, fun community-building moments, and an outpouring of generosity for a good cause.  

By the marathon's midpoint, AGDQ 2024 had surpassed Games Done Quick's last mainline event – SGDQ 2023 – in donation pacing and hit $1 million shortly afterward on day five. The event had a lot of highlights including a successful no-hit run of Resident Evil 2 (2019), Super Mario 64 on an electric drum kit, Hades and Undertale races, a four-players-one-controller blindfolded Majora’s Mask run — among other blindfolded showcases — and the very first dog speedrun at a GDQ event: Peanut Butter the shiba inu's successful run of Gyromite. In addition, an astonishing four confirmed world records were broken on stream:

The weeklong marathon ended strong with appearances from Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur's Gate 3, and Final Fantasy V to cap off the week. In case you missed any of the fun, every run from AGDQ 2024 is archived on the official Games Done Quick YouTube channel.

Games Done Quick has now raised more than $48.9 million for charities worldwide since its first event in 2010, including Doctors Without Borders, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Malala Fund, Organization for Autism Research, and CARE. The next event is GDQ's all-women speedrunning showcase Frost Fatales, which is being held online from March 3-10, 2024, and will benefit the National Women's Law Center.

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AGDQ 2024 Official Photos: 

About Games Done Quick
Games Done Quick is an organization that hosts charity video game marathons. These events feature high-level gameplay by speedrunners raising money for charity. Games Done Quick has teamed up with several charities in its ten-year history, including Doctors Without Borders and Prevent Cancer Foundation. To date, Games Done Quick has raised over $48.9 million for charity. For more information, please visit