
JoyPac's ABC Runner Has Reached 1st place in the US Mobile Game Charts 

The hit new family-friendly mobile game shows the success of JoyPac’s Hyperfuel accelerator program and the close partnership developer Umami Games 

Copenhagen, 2 February 2021  --  Hypercasual games publisher JoyPac is today toasting the first big success of its HyperFuel program, with its newest game ABC Runner hitting number 1 Top Free App position in the US app charts and also number 1 in the games category in the UK, Canada and Ireland - making it the most currently downloaded game on iOS. With an educational angle, a competitive edge and plenty of fun, this family-friendly mobile game lets players virtually compete to be the quickest to complete a set of word-based puzzles. With a nod to games like Fall Guys, you start as one of over 1000 virtual players and compete to be the last one standing. In order to win, you need to be quick-thinking as well as quick-fingered as you race to solve the puzzles. 


ABC Runner was created thanks to the partnership between developer Umami Games and publisher JoyPac - all part of JoyPac’s HyperFuel initiative, launched in September 2020. While JoyPac has already built a strong reputation in APAC and has helped its partners generate over 90 million downloads, ABC Runner is its first game to reach the top of the Western charts.   


HyperFuel is an accelerator-style program to help developers and publishers with great ideas for hypercasual mobile games turn them into a reality. JoyPac provides hands-on guidance through the whole development process, as well as help and investment in the UA campaigns for the finished product. This accelerator-style approach means that developers and publishers like Umami Games can develop, launch and monetise their games in a handful of weeks. 


“Creating the right environment along with the ability to partner with for the long term rather than just chasing after interesting or creative games is HyperFuel’s winning strategy,” said Falko Boecker, Senior Publishing Manager at JoyPac. “ABC Runner’s success is based on a great idea that was collaboratively refined and developed in just a matter of weeks.”


From the initial concept to its soft-launch on the US app store, ABC Runner took just under a month to develop. After two weeks working on the initial concepts, the team used Facebook to test the first iteration. Using the data and metrics from that test Umami Games and JoyPac made final tweaks, planned the initial monetisation strategy, and released the full game. All this was achieved with just three team members and two other ongoing development projects.  


“JoyPac’s support and transparency have helped the whole team to become even better game developers, showing us that making a successful game isn’t only about creativity; it’s also about focusing on data patterns and metrics,” said Riley Anderson, CEO Umami Games. “The HyperFuel program helped us out in areas where we didn’t have the skill or know-how, while trusting our design decisions. JoyPac’s approach to taking games to market has not only delivered great results but been a really positive experience as well.”


The Hyperfuel program is open to any developer with some prior experience of creating hypercasual games that have demonstrated original and unique ideas with a creative spark, and are comfortable working in a fast-paced environment. The ideal applicant will already have experience in developing and publishing mobile games. Applications to join Hyperfuel can be made at https://joypacgames.com/hyperfuel

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About JoyPac

JoyPac is a mobile game publisher established to help developers bridge the inherent gap between West and East, and create global smash hits. With a team of industry veterans located in Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Japan and Beijing, we’re focused on making it as easy as possible for developers of hyper-casual to casual games to find success in new territories, increase their yield, and reach more players than ever. We strive to bring joyful mobile game experiences to the millions of players worldwide. 


Contact JoyPac: hello@joypacgames.com 


About Umami Games


Umami Games is a creative data-driven hyper-casual game studio! We are 100 % data-driven and believe creativity, speed and scalability is key to win the hyper-casual race. We are inspired by everyday things and mix playfulness and trendy designs to create new and unique experiences.


Website: https://www.umami-games.com/