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The hunt begins in Clanfolk’s most significant update to date

The Scottish colony sim’s “Hunters and Hunted” update adds wolves, deer, deerhounds, and new hunting mechanics

April 11, 2023 - Hooded Horse and MinMax Games challenge players to engage in their own “wild hunt” in highland-themed colony builder Clanfolk. The latest major update to this Scottish-inspired game introduces revamped hunting mechanics alongside new wildlife to be hunted, such as deer, deerhounds, foxes, and wolves.

While Clanfolk is ultimately a peaceful colony sim, hunting was a crucial part of life in the 14th-century Scottish highlands, and the “Hunters & Hunted” update finally brings this aspect to life. Players receive new deerhound pets to assist them in finding wild game, while further improvements to sneaking and stealth make stalking your prey more engaging. Fun fact: the game’s lead developer, Andrew Hume, recorded his own Standard Poodle, Max, to use for the deerhounds.

But in order for there to be hunters, there needs to be something to hunt. Deer now appear on the map edges, marking Clanfolk’s first migratory animal. Herds form in the morning at specific points of the year, remaining on the map until their numbers shrink below a certain point or until the migration season moves them on to other pastures.

The wilderness has yet more surprises - where there are deer, there are often wolves. Wolf packs also spawn when deer are on the map. Wolves compete with the player’s hunting parties for food and even steal livestock that strays too far from the village. Deerhounds can help defend the homestead and animals from foxes and wolves, although wolves only attack humans if they are hungry or wounded.

Read more about the new features and changes when the patch goes live later today
. This patch marks Clanfolk’s tenth major update since its release into early access in July 2022. 

Clanfolk is available on PC via Steam Early Access for $19.99 / £19.99 / €19.99 EUR / ¥2,480. A press kit is available.


About MinMax Games™

Established in 2009 and based in Canada, MinMax Games is a two-person company specializing in passion projects, from Space Pirates and Zombies 1 & 2 to Golftopia. Clanfolk is the studio’s latest title, a medieval colony-building sim themed on the Scottish highlands.

You can learn more via the studio’s website, as well as its Youtube channel and Discord.

About Hooded Horse™
Hooded Horse Inc. is a publisher of strategy, simulation, and role-playing games based in Dallas, Texas, with people and partners worldwide. Starting in 2019 with a single title, Hooded Horse’s portfolio has grown to 21 games and counting. Our goal is to empower and support developers in doing what they love. From the distant past of Manor Lords, the haunted woods of Against the Storm, to the depths of space in Terra Invicta, Hooded Horse wants to offer the best in deep, strategic experiences.

You can find out more about us on our Steam publisher page, as well as our social channels; Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Discord, and website.