Mel Medarda, bir zamanlar Noxus'un en güçlü ailelerinden biri olan Medarda ailesinin vârisi olarak kabul ediliyor. Görünürde zarif bir aristokrat olsa da bu maskenin altında tanıştığı herkes hakkında her şeyi bilmeyi görev edinmiş becerikli bir politikacı yatıyor.

Pasif - Parlak Zekâ

Q - Pırıltılı Yaylım Ateşi

W - Ret

E - Güneş Kapanı

R - Altın Tutulma
Released in 2009, League of Legends is Riot Games' debut title and one of the most-played competitive games in the world, engaging millions of players daily in 20+ officially-supported languages. A mainstay of the MOBA genre, in League, two teams of five powerful champions face off to destroy each other's base in a game that blends the speed, strategy, and intensity of an RTS with immersive RPG elements.
League continues to evolve year over year in gameplay and storytelling, delivering fresh new experiences like K/DA, immersive stories like Star Guardian and Spirit Blossom, and technical balance changes to ensure competitive integrity. As the basis for the Runeterra universe, League champions have been featured in music, comic books, spinoff games, collectible figurines, board games, TV series, and more. The annual League of Legends World Championship is the most widely viewed esport tournament, and is among the largest and most popular sporting events in the world.
Visit leagueoflegends.com for more information and follow @leagueoflegends on social media.