
Five Serious Games Created for Use in Education or Training Win Awards in Annual International Serious Play Competition

For Immediate Release
LOS ANGELES -- July 13, 2021 -- Five digital games developed for use in education or training have been awarded gold medals in the 2021 International Serious Play Awards Program. Winners will be invited to demo their game at Serious Play Conference Friday, June 25 and will receive free conference registration.

In the Higher Education category, Awards went to the following:
  • Leadership Simulation: Patient Zero, an immersive simulation that places students in the role of high-ranking advisors to a fictional country facing a zombie pandemic. The game sets the stage for educators across undergraduate, graduate, and executive education levels to have a rich discussion with students about adaptive leadership, leading in a crisis, working in teams, ethical decision-making, and more. Patient Zero was developed by Harvard Business Publishing in Partnership with Forio Online Simulations.

In the K-12 category, Awards went to the following:
  • Vet Veiling (Super Safe), a scenario based-game that aims to teach students aged 11 to 12 how to react and respond in case of a calamity, prevent the situation from getting worse and what actions and measures they can take to prevent the calamity from happening in the first place. Vet Veiling (Super Safe) was developed by a Dutch corporation &ranj.
  • Mission U.S.: Prisoner in My Homeland, an interactive narrative based-game developed to engage middle school students in the study of transformational moments in American history. The game follows the story of a Japanese American teenager incarcerated with his family during World War II. Prisoner in my Homeland was developed by WNET, the American Social History Project, Electric Funstuff and EDC.
In the Non-Profit category, a Gold went to
  • Buddi Bott: Your Machine Learning AI Helper with Advanced Neutral Networking!, a game aimed to teach people aged 13 years old and older to push beyond standard representations of killer robots or helpful droids to inform an audience about the societal benefits or potential harms of artificial intelligence. Buddi Bot was developed under the aegis of the University of Texas at Austin’s SAGA Lab, supported by Good Systems. https://tinyurl.com/47vr9n7f

In the Healthcare category, a Gold Medal Award went to: ·
  • Ready Teddy, a serious game and MRI training for children 6-10 years old that habituates children to an MRI procedure and trains them to stay still in a simulated MRI environment. The goal is to educate children about the process of the procedure and teach them helpful tactics to remain still so quality images are acquired. Ready Teddy was developed by Lumeum Inc., collaborating with Dr. Jeffrey Gold, Children's Hospital, Los Angeles, and Marientina Gotsis, Director of the Creative Media and Behavioral Health Center, USC.
For information on the International Serious Play Awards, go here: https://www.seriousplayconf.com/international-serious-play-award-programs/
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Media Contact:
Sue Bohle