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A brooding painter, Hwei creates brilliant art to confront Ionia’s criminals and to comfort their victims. Not without his own troubled history, he is haunted by his overflowing imagination and the loss of his island temple, which comes back to him in the form of intense, emotional visions. Hwei shares these visions to ease his troubled self, while treading a path toward the one who both devastated and unlocked his artistic mind—Jhin. With his paintbrush and palette in hand, Hwei journeys to earn closure or perhaps, embrace despair. 
“Art, life, death – all I’ve seen, all made clear.”
In game, Hwei possesses unprecedented gameplay potential, being League of Legends’ first champion with the capability of casting ten unique spells. Hwei’s basic abilities belong to one of three spellbooks, with each ability sharing a cooldown with others in the same spellbook. Each spellbook features its own artistic subject that determines its abilities' qualities – Subject: Disaster focuses on the relentless and destructive forces of nature, Subject: Serenity provides invigorating and sustaining energy, and Subject: Torment boasts powerful crowd control effects. Although Hwei has access to a vast array of spells, artists aspiring to unlock Hwei’s full potential will need to be selective about the abilities they use in every situation. 


Passive - Signature of the Visionary
Hwei’s damaging abilities against enemy champions mark them for a few seconds. Hitting marked enemies with another damaging ability creates an explosion underneath them, detonating after a short delay and dealing magic damage to all enemies in range.

QR/WR/ER - Wash Brush
Hwei clears his paintbrush and returns to base abilities without using mana or cooldowns.
Q - Subject: Disaster

QQ - Devastating Fire
Hwei paints a blazing fireball that flies out in the target direction. 
It explodes on the first enemy hit or at maximum range, dealing magic damage plus percent max health magic damage to all enemies in an area.

QW - Severing Bolt
Hwei paints a long-range, devastating bolt at the target location. After a delay, the bolt strikes, dealing magic damage. 
Immobilized or isolated enemies take increased damage based on missing health.

QE - Molten Fissure
Hwei paints a field of exploding volcanic eruptions, creating lingering lava in its path. 
Every eruption deals magic damage to enemies hit. Enemies in the lava area are dealt magic damage per second and are slowed.
W - Subject: Serenity

WQ - Fleeting Current
Hwei paints a current of swift waters in a line for a few seconds that grants movement speed to himself and allies.

WW - Pool of Reflection
Hwei forms a protective pool at the target location that lasts for a few seconds. 
Allied champions inside the area gain an immediate shield, increasing in value over a few seconds while in the area.
WE - Stirring Lights

Hwei paints three swirling lights that circle him for several seconds. 
Hwei's next 3 attacks or spells deal bonus magic damage and grant mana on hit.
E - Subject: Torment

EQ - Grim Visage
Hwei launches a terrifying face that strikes the first enemy hit, dealing magic damage and causing them to flee for a brief duration.

EW - Gaze of the Abyss
Hwei paints an abyssal eye at the target location that grants vision and locks onto the nearest visible enemy champion. 
After a short delay, the eye fires at the locked-on champion, rooting the first enemy in its path for a few seconds and dealing magic damage to them.

EE - Crushing Maw
Hwei paints crushing jaws that deal magic damage to enemies hit and pulls them toward the center, slowing them by a set amount that quickly decays.

R - Spiraling Despair
Hwei launches a vision of pure despair that sticks to an enemy champion for a few seconds. The vision expands and overwhelms all enemies it touches, dealing magic damage per second. Enemies within the zone are afflicted with stacks of Despair over time. Each stack of Despair applies a stacking percent slow. Upon completion, the vision shatters, dealing magic damage.


Released in 2009, League of Legends is Riot Games' debut title and one of the most-played competitive games in the world, engaging millions of players daily in 20+ officially-supported languages. A mainstay of the MOBA genre, in League, two teams of five powerful champions face off to destroy each other's base in a game that blends the speed, strategy, and intensity of an RTS with immersive RPG elements. 

League continues to evolve year over year in gameplay and storytelling, delivering fresh new experiences like K/DA, immersive stories like Star Guardian and Spirit Blossom, and technical balance changes to ensure competitive integrity. As the basis for the Runeterra universe, League champions have been featured in music, comic books, spinoff games, collectible figurines, board games, TV series, and more. The annual League of Legends World Championship is the most widely viewed esport tournament, and is among the largest and most popular sporting events in the world.  

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